Case Study
New Dealer Store Point
Our Client: Growing Pre-Owned Auto Dealership Chain
New dealer points always present a challenge in terms of driving cost effective traffic especially in markets with intense competition and little brand recognition. Our client sought a quick start to source profitable and sustainable business volumes of the right customers.
Solution: DME Acquire Market Monitor
Acquire introduced our client to Market Monitor where each day mail and email contacts were made to individuals who made a credit application for a used vehicle purchase. In less than 2 weeks, our client was in market contacting bottom of the purchase funnel consumers confirmed to be in the market for a used vehicle. With the automated contact strategy, our client was free to focus on what they do best which is convert leads generated by the program.

The set up was quick and simple
Day 1
Acquire developed a profile of the appropriate target audience for our client’s inventory and credit facilities.
Day 2
A 15-mile radius around the client’s location and loaded into the data platform.
Day 3
Creative and approvals were complete along with all compliance reviews.
Day 8
Automation set up and confirmed.
Day 13
First leads generated and contacted via mail & email.
Day 17
First sales registered.
Gross Profit perVehicle Sold
Lead to SaleConversion Rate